HP Operations Manager

Automation Wrapper: opcmon

The automation interfaces for the HPOM command line tools have the same functionality as the tools themselves. The automation interface is basically a wrapper around the HPOM Interface API, which is part of the HPOM Application Integration Guide (AIG).

The object OVOAutomations.Opcmon offers the following parameters and functions:

Parameter Access Type
Object name* In
ObjValue* In
MsgObject* In
OptVar In
Functions Description
Send() Sends the message to the Message Action Server. All mandatory parameters have to be set before calling this function.


The following script sends a monitor value to the monitor agent.
Dim msgObj
Set msgObj = CreateObject("OVOAutomation.Opcmon")

msgObj.Object = "MyPolicyObject"
msgObj.ObjValue = 7
msgObj.MsgObject = "My Message object"


This function can be run by any user. The message group (msg_grp), the object, and the application parameter must not be longer than 32 bytes; this is the maximum size HP Operations can handle with these parameters.


The examples are available on the management server in the following directory:
