HP Operations Manager


The tool ovowreqcheck enables remote HP Operations agent prerequisite checking from command line on HPOM for Windows server and console. The tool can be used to:

Command Synopsis

ovowreqcheck -srv <HP Operations server> (-det | -sum) 
			 (( -node <node> 
				[-agt_comm_type<agent_comm_type>] [-agt_bin_format <agent_bin_format>]
				[-plat (WINDOWS | UNIX)] [-u <user> [-p <password>]] ) |
			-file <file>)

ovowreqcheck -srv <HP Operations server> -req [<system>]
			 [-agt_comm_type<agent_comm_type>] [-agt_bin_format <agent_bin_format>]

ovowreqcheck -srv <HP Operations server> -allsystems

ovowreqcheck [-? | -help ]
-help Prints tool usage and description.
-srv <HP Operations server> Defines HPOM management server.
-det Prints detailed result of requirements and recommendations validation. All prerequisites are displayed regardless if they have passed or failed.
-sum Prints summary result of requirements and recommendations validation. Only failed prerequisites are displayed.
-node <node> Name of the node to be checked.
-agt_comm_type <agent_comm_type> Optional parameter that defines the agent communication type of the node. If tag [AGT_COMM_TYPE] is used the system section of the configuration file and this parameter is not specified, a platform won't be recognized.
-agt_bin_format <agent_bin_format> Optional parameter that defines the agent binary format of the node. If tag [AGT_BIN_FRMT] is used the system section of the configuration file and this parameter is not specified, a platform won't be recognized.
-plat (WINDOWS|UNIX) Optional parameter that defines platform of the node - WINDOWS or UNIX. Default is WINDOWS.
-u <user> -p <password> Optional login information; it is not required for Windows nodes where an interactive user has administrative privileges; this is mainly used for checking UNIX nodes.
-file <file> Reads node names to be checked from a file; the <file> must contain each node in a separate line (with or without corresponding optional parameters -u, -p, -plat).
-req [<system>] Shows requirements and recommendations for the specified operating system. If the system is not given, it shows prerequisites for all supported systems.
-allsystems Prints the list of all supported systems.

Exit Values

Exit value indicates prerequisite checking status:

0 - All checked prerequisites (requirements and recommendations) are OK.

1 - All requirements are OK; at least one recommendation has failed.

2 - All requirements are OK; at least one recommendation could not be checked.

3 - At least one requirement has failed.

55 - No prerequisites specified for <system> system.

101 - Client does not have administrative privileges on the node. Prerequisites can be checked only with administrative rights.

102 - At least one requirement could not be checked (it is unknown whether requirement is OK or not); all other successfully checked requirements are OK.

103 - Checked node is not available; either there is no network connection or firewall ports are not opened.

104 - Node (name) cannot be resolved

105 - The platform/OS version on node xxx may not yet be supported - consult the latest support matrix ; if platform is supported ignore prerequisite check and check prerequisites manually.

106 - Node’s platform properties (System Type, Operating System, Version) are not set.

107 - Cannot discover platform.


This command can only be issued by HPOM administrators.


     ovowreqcheck -srv myovoserver.your.com -det –node mynode1.your.com

     ovowreqcheck -srv myovoserver.your.com -sum –node mynode1.your.com

     ovowreqcheck -srv myovoserver.your.com -req Windows2000

     ovowreqcheck -srv myovoserver.your.com -allsystems