HP Operations Manager


The OvOWNPReg tool enables you to register and unregister platforms and packages, as well as to update the prerequisite check configuration file.

Command synopsis

  -reg  -patch <PatchNumber> [-sections <sections>] [-reinstall]
	[-reregister [-download <download_dir>]] [-log <UndoFile>]
	[-cluster full|local]

  -unreg <UndoFile> [-cluster full|local] [-delundo]

  (-? | -help)

Tool options

Show tool usage and description.
-reg <ConfigFile>
Registers new platforms and packages specified in the XML-based <ConfigFile>.
-unreg <UndoFile>
Unregisters platforms and packages specified in <UndoFile>.
-patch <PatchNumber>
String in the format OVOW_xxxx (for example, OVOW_0200).
You must specify this option when reinstalling the patch. Failure to specify the reinstall option when the patch is applied for the second time results in serious problems. (Reference counters are incremented for a second time. During patch uninstallation, platform objects are not removed because counters are not decremented to 0.)
When you add support for a new platform, it is possible that the platform is already covered by an existing package. This option enables you to reregister the package without shipping the package files again.
-sections <sections>
If you specify this parameter, only specified sections are read from the configuration file. Available sections are package and prereq. You must separate multiple sections with commas (for example, -sections platform,package).
-cluster full|local
If you specify this parameter, OvOWNPReg works in cluster mode.
All resources (shared and non-shared) are updated.
Only local (non-shared) resources are updated.
Note NOTE:
This option is obsolete. Try to avoid using it.
-download <download_dir>
If you specify this option, the <download_dir> is used as the download directory for re-registration. If you do not specify this, then a temporary download directory is created and used instead. (The temporary directory is deleted after re-registration is complete.)
-log <UndoFile>
If you specify this option, all changes are recorded in <UndoFile>. When you uninstall the patch, you can undo all the changes using <UndoFile>.
If you specify this option, <UndoFile> is deleted if unregistration ended successfully.