HP Operations Manager


The command ovowconfigexchange enables the exchange of configuration data (some specific subset) between cross-platform HPOM management servers (to support message forwarding), between HPOM for Windows and HPOM for UNIX servers in either direction.

This tool operates only on the HPOM for Windows platform. Its counterparts on HPOM for UNIX are opccfgupld/opccfgdwn and opctempl tools. It can upload data from HPOM for UNIX or download local configuration to files, formatted for upload to HPOM for UNIX. Files must be manually copied between the systems.

The following data exchange is supported:

The tool can read and write files in several different codesets, most of them being used on UNIX platforms. These are the keywords for codesets, understood by the -src_codeset and -dest_codeset options: ASCII, UTF8, ISO81 (for ISO88591), ISO82 (for ISO88592), ISO85 (for ISO88595), ISO815 (for ISO885915), ROMAN8, SJIS, EUCJP, GB2312, BIG5, EUCTW, EUCKR, and UNICODE (for Windows Unicode). When using files for or from HPOM for UNIX, the selected codeset must be compatible with the HPOM for UNIX server's database codeset.

Command synopsis

  -ent INSTR_TXT -dnl [<directory>] [-dest_codeset <codeset>] 

  -ent NODES
	 ( -dnl [<directory>] [-src_path <OVO_entity_path>]
							[-dest_codeset <codeset>]
	 ( -upl <directory> [-dest_path <OVO_entity_path>] 
						[-src_codeset <codeset>] )



Exit Values



HPOM for UNIX does not allow nodes to belong to several different node groups. When uploading such configuration data into HPOM for UNIX, opccfgupld will issue warnings that duplicate nodes were found. A node will only be added to the first node group where it appears.

Related Files



  1. ovowconfigexchange -help

    Outputs help and usage of the tool.

  2. ovowconfigexchange -ent INSTR_TXT -dnl c:\data\transf\2 -dest_codeset SJIS

    Downloads instruction texts from the HPOM for Windows server and stores them to a dummy HPOM for UNIX template file c:\data\transf\2\ovowhelptext using SJIS encoding.

  3. ovowconfigexchange -ent NODES -dnl c:\temp\1 -src_path \cad\koeln3

    Downloads node group \cad\koeln3 (with all its contents) from the HPOM for Windows server and creates the following HPOM for UNIX files:


    During download, the "language" directory is always set to C, regardless of the chosen destination codeset.

    To upload the data into an HPOM for UNIX server, transfer the created files (from the c:\temp\1 directory downward) to the target machine (for example, to /tmp/transf/1 directory) and create the following structure:


    Run the following command on the UNIX machine:

    "opccfgupld /tmp/transf/1/" to upload it.

  4. ovowconfigexchange -ent NODES -upl c:\temp\5\JP.SJIS\ -dest_path \cad\ulm -src_codeset SJIS

    Uploads the HPOM for UNIX node data into HPOM for Windows, converting the files from the SJIS to the Windows Unicode codeset. HPOM for UNIX configuration files were manually transferred from HPOM for UNIX to HPOM for Windows beforehand and the following structure was created:


    The node hierarchy will be placed into the existing \cad\ulm node group on the HPOM for Windows server.