HP Operations Manager for Windows




- manipulate settings files, update the configuration database, and trigger notification scripts.


ovconfchg -h | -help 
ovconfchg -version 
ovconfchg [-ovrg <OVRG>] [-edit | -job {-ns namespace {-set <attr> <value> | -clear <attr> | -clear -all} ... } ... ] 


Installed HP Operations Manager components have associated configuration settings files that contain one or more namespaces. A namespace is a group of configuration settings that belong to a component.

The ovconfchg command manipulates the settings in either the system-wide configuration file or the configuration file for the specified HPOM Resource Group, local_settings.ini, updates the configuration database, settings.dat, and triggers notification scripts. If you call ovconfchg without options, or only with -ovrg, no settings are changed, but an update is triggered anyway. This update enables updating after default settings files have been added, removed, or updated.

When ovconfchg runs, all configuration settings are read and merged in memory. Default definitions are used to make corresponding checks, as well as to emit and log warnings in the event of a violation. During this process, file locks are used to prevent parallel updates. A new configuration database is then created containing the merged data.


The ovconfchg command recognizes the following options:

-h | -help
Displays all the options for the ovconfchg command.

Displays the version of the ovconfchg command.

-ovrg <OVRG>
If the parameter you want to change belongs to an HPOM Resource Group, use -ovrg to specify the name of the resource group. Otherwise, system-wide settings files are opened.

Starts a text editor to edit the settings file, local_settings.ini. The text editor used is determined by the $EDITOR environment variable. If $EDITOR is not set, vi starts on UNIX, and Notepad starts on Windows.

A temporary copy of the file is created for editing. After you make changes, the file is validated for syntax errors. The syntax rule for validation is that the namespace and attribute names should contain only letters (a-z, A-Z), digits (0-9), period(.) and underscore(_) characters.

If the validation fails, the line number of the error is reported, and you are prompted to correct the file. If Yes, the file is reopened for making the necessary changes. If No, the original settings file remains unchanged. If the validation is successful, the changes are saved into the original settings file.

Caution CAUTION:
Do not configure binary values using this option. This can corrupt the file. It is also recommended to restrict the data entered using this option to US-ASCII (7-bit only) subset.

Do not open the settings file directly in a text editor and change it. This can corrupt the file.

Creates an update job file only. Does not synchronize.

-ns | -namespace <namespace>
Sets a namespace for the -set and -clear options.

-set <attr> <value>
Sets an attribute value in the namespace specified by the -namespace option. The local or HPOM resource settings file is updated accordingly.

-clear <attr>
Clears the local setting for the attribute attr in the namespace specified by the -namespace option. The local settings file is updated accordingly.

-clear -all
Clears all local settings. The local settings file is updated accordingly.


ovconfchg was developed by Hewlett-Packard Company.


The ovconfchg command uses the following files to store local settings:

The ovconfchg command uses the following files to store database configuration settings:


The following examples show how to use the ovconfchg command:

