HP Operations Manager for Windows




- a tool for debugging a BBC-based server.


bbcutil -h|-help 
bbcutil -version 
bbcutil -ovrg [<ovrg>] 
bbcutil -reg|-registrations [<hostname>|<ip>] [-v|-verbose] 
bbcutil -deregister {<path>|*} [-force] [-v|-verbose] 
bbcutil -ping {[<hostname>|<ip>[:<port>]] | [<uri>]} [count] [-v|-verbose] 
bbcutil -status {[<hostname>|<ip>[:<port>]] | [<uri>} [-v|-verbose]] 
bbcutil -migrate {[<namespace>] [<appname>] [<filename>]} [-v|-verbose] 
bbcutil -count|-size|-list [-p|-path <path>] [-t|-target <target>] [-v|-verbose] 
bbcutil -getcbport [<hostname>|<ip>] 
bbcutil -gettarget [<hostname>|<ip>] 


The bbcutil command helps you to debug an HP Operations BBC-based server. You can use the bbcutil command to list all applications registered to a HP Operations Communication Broker, to check whether specified communication services are alive, and to display details about the current state of the server.


The bbcutil command incorporates the options in the following list. For example, the syntax for the [<hostname>|<ip>][:<port>]] string in the options -registrations or -ping can be a hostname and a port separated by a colon (:).

The string can also be a full URL path (including protocol), such as the following:


bbcutil recognizes the following options:

Displays and describes the available options for the bbcutil command.

Displays the version of the HPOM communication in use.

-ovrg <ovrg>
Executes a bbcutil command option in the context of the HPOM Resource Group specified by <ovrg>. This is an optional command. You can use it with other bbcutil commands. For example, the bbcutil -ovrg testsrv -getcbport command returns the Communications Broker port number of the HPOM Resource Group, testsrv.

-reg|-registrations [<hostname>|<ip>]
Queries a Communications Broker on the node specified by <hostname> or <ip>, and displays a list of all registered applications. If you do not specify the hostname or IP address, localhost is assumed.

-deregister {<path>|*} [-force]
Deregisters the specified path from the Communications Broker on the localhost. You can use an asterisk (*) to denote all paths. The specified path is deregistered if the application servicing the specified path is currently running. Use the -force option to override this behavior and force the path to be deregistered.

-ping {[<hostname>|<ip>][:<port>]] | [<uri>]} [count]
Pings the specified HPOM for Windows server process. To locate the server process to ping, you can provide a hostname or IP address with an optional port number or a URL. If a URL is given with the path of a valid process registered with the Communications Broker, the Communications Broker automatically forwards the ping to the registered process. Count specifies the number of times to execute the ping. You may specify the node with a hostname or IP address. The default for the node is localhost. The default for the port is the Communications Broker port on the specified node. The default count is 1.

-status {[<hostname>|<ip>[:<port>]] | [<uri>]}
Displays the status of the specified HPOM for Windows server process. To locate the server process, you can provide a hostname or IP address with an optional port number or a URI. You may specify the node with a hostname or IP address. The default for the node is localhost. The default for the port is the Communications Broker on the specified node.

-migrate {[<namespace>] [<appname>] [<filename>]} [-v|-verbose]
Migrates the specified BBC configuration parameters. If you do not specify command parameters, the BBC 2 LLB and the BBC 4 CB parameters are migrated to the namespace bbc.cb in the configuration database. The BBC 2/3 DEFAULT parameters are migrated to the namespaces bbc.http, bbc.fx, and bbc.snf. The BBC 4 CB parameters override BBC 2 LLB parameters. The namespace specifies the BBC 2/3/4 namespace to migrate the parameters from. The <appname> specifies the application name to use in determining the BBC 5 target namespace. Parameters are migrated to the bbc.http.ext.<appname>, bbc.fx.ext.<appname>, and bbc.snf.ext.<appname> namespaces. The filename parameter specifies the file to read the parameters from. The default file name is the BBC 2 standard default.txt file and the standard BBC 4 Communications Broker settings.ini file. The BBC 4 settings.ini parameters override the BBC 2 default.txt parameters.

Displays the number of requests in a store-and-forward buffer for the specified target, or in the entire buffer if no target is specified.

Displays the size of a store-and-forward buffer. If you specify -verbose as well, the size of each individual request displays. If you specify a target, only the size of the requests to this target displays.

Displays all requests in a store-and-forward buffer for the specified target, or in the entire buffer if no target is specified.

-p|-path <path>
Defines the path to the store-and-forward buffer. This parameter is used to set the BUFFER_PATH parameter.

-t|-target <target>
Specifies the target URI whose information you want to display. If you do not specify a target, information for all targets in the buffer displays.

Shows more detailed output.

-getcbport [<hostname>|<ip>]
Displays the Communications Broker port number of the node specified by <hostname> or <ip>. If you do not specify the hostname or IP address, localhost is assumed.

-gettarget [<hostname>|<ip>]
Displays the IP address of the target node and the Communications Broker port number, or the HTTP Proxy and port number if you configured a proxy for the specified <hostname> or <ip>.


bbcutil was developed by Hewlett-Packard Company.


The following exit values are returned:

bbcutil exited normally with no error.

Command syntax error encountered. For possible values, see the command syntax.

Command partially succeeded.

Command failed. For details, see the command output.

bbcutil could not complete the requested command because of an authorization error.

An exception was encountered, causing the Communications Broker to exit.

Corresponding error messages are written to stderror.


The following examples show you how to use the bbcutil command:


ovbbccb(1), bbc.ini(4).


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