HP Operations Manager for Windows

C-API Functions

The C-API provides access to the HPOM Message Stream Interface (MSI). This interface makes it possible to read HPOM messages from the internal message stream and to write messages into the internal message stream. The MSI is available on HPOM managed nodes. All MSI types establish a connection to the HPOM message agent.

The HPOM Message Stream Interface is divided into the following types:


The API functions must be issued by the agent user.

Multithread Usage

All functions of the C-API are safe to be called by multi-threaded applications. They are thread-safe for both POSIX Threads and DCE User Threads. They are not async-cancel, async-signal, or fork-safe. They cannot be called safely in kernel threads.

The opcreg_copy() routine is not thread-safe for POSIX threads or for DCE User Threads.

Registration Conditions

HPOM provides a user-accessible data type to define registration conditions as the mechanism to register with the HPOM Interfaces.

HPOM provides a set of APIs to create an empty condition, modify or query condition fields and to duplicate or delete a condition definition from memory.

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