HP Operations Manager for Windows

Solving problems with HP NNM Adapter

Common problems, prerequisites, and workarounds include the following:
  1. Problem: In order for the Network Presenter web tool to work, the NNM GUI must be running on the NNM server. If Network Presenter is started and the NNM GUI is not running, the following error message displays:

    Cannot find an ovw on host <nnm server> with map named default using session ID <sessionId>.

    Solution: To solve this problem, first start the NNM GUI on the NNM server before starting the Network Presenter.

  2. Problem: HP NNM Adapter tools cannot be executed on a remote console. When starting HP NNM Adapter tools (HP NNM Web Tools) on a remote console logged in as a user with no administrative privileges, the following error message will appear on the local computer: "CompLoader: regstring execution failed."

    Solution: To avoid this problem you can do one of the following:

    On a remote console machine grant local administrative privileges to the interactive user accessing the remote console.

    Log in as the HP OVE Administrator or the HP OVE Operator with local administrative privileges and start any NNM web tool. After one successful NNM web tool execution, HP NNM Web Tools can be executed by any HP OVE Administrator or HP OVE Operator.

    Manually register the NnmNextGenProxy component: Log in as a user with local administrative privileges (on a remote console machine)

    At the command prompt, execute:
    regsvr32 \\<HP Operations server machine>\NnmUtils\NnmNextGenProxy.dll

  3. Problem: If the HP NNM Adapter installation was aborted, reinstallation might fail or seem to take a very long time.

    Solution: Do a manual cleanup before reinstalling HP NNM Adapter.

    NOTE: Use this method ONLY if you are an experienced systems administrator.

    HP Operations server NNM server
    1. execute <HP BTO product base dir>\NNM Adapter Package\Support\NNMAClean.vbs at command prompt:
    cscript NNMAClean.vbs
    2. stop NgNnmUpdater service (if exists)
       Note: kill NgNnmUpdater process if service cannot be stopped
    3. stop NgNnmAdapterProvider service (if exists)
    Note: kill NgNnmAdapterProvider process if service cannot be stopped
    4. check if "NgNnmEventsMan.exe" processes is running; kill it if it does  
      5. stop NgNnmDwProvider service (if exists)
    Note: kill NgNnmDwProvider process if service cannot be stopped
    6. make sure that no MMC console (for example, Computer Management, HPOM console) is opened make sure that no MMC console (for example, Computer Management)  is opened
    7. unregister NgNnmUpdater service:
    - open command prompt in <HP BTO product base dir>\NNM Adapter Package\bin
    - execute: "NgNnmUpdater /UnregServer"
    NOTE: if NgNnmUpdater.exe does not exist skip this step
    8. unregister NgNnmAdapterProvider service:
    - open command prompt in <HP BTO product base dir>\NNM Adapter Package\bin
    - execute: "NgNnmAdapterProvider /UnregServer"
    NOTE: if NgNnmAdapterProvider.exe does not exist skip this step
      9. unregister NgNnmDwProvider service:
    - open command prompt in <HP BTO product base dir>\Installed Packages\{c9322d6f-d88c-11d3-98e3-080009ef5c3b}\bin
    - execute: "NgNnmDwProvider /UnregServer"
    NOTE: if NgNnmDwProvider.exe does not exist skip this step
    10. restart HP Operations agent:
    - execute: "opcagt -stop" followed by "opcagt -start"
      11. restart HP Operations agent: execute "opcagt -stop" followed by "opcagt -start"
    12. delete "<HP BTO product base dir>\NNM Adapter Package" folder  
      13. delete "<HP BTO product base dir>\Installed Packages\{c9322d6f-d88c-11d3-98e3-080009ef5c3b}" folder
      14. delete "<HP BTO product base dir>\Installed Packages\temp\{c9322d6f-d88c-11d3-98e3-080009ef5c3b}" folder
    15. In the HPOM console, uninstall and delete the HP NNM Adapter policies from the server and remove the HP NNM Adapter policy group.
    In "Policy Management" -->"Policies grouped by type" -->"Open Message Interface," uninstall and delete the NNM Adapter policy from the server.
    In "Policy Management" --> "Policies grouped by type" -->"SNMP Interceptor," uninstall and delete the NNM-SNMP-All and NNM-SNMP-NonNorm" policies from the server.
    Delete the policy group "Policy Management" -->"Policy Groups" --> "NNM Adapter."
    16. REBOOT machine REBOOT machine

         On cluster system repeat clean up procedure for HP Operations server on each node in cluster except for step 14. which can be executed only on one (active) node. Clean up procedure must be performed at least on one active node. On other nodes clean up procedure can be performed either in active or passive state.