An HP NNM Adapter component, the NgNnmUpdater, controls the update time interval. The default update interval is one day, but you can change this using the appropriate registry key.
Automatic Update from HP NNM: Node is disconnected. Cannot be discovered by HP NNM. Node may have SNMP or other network related problem.
Disconnected nodes are removed from the NNM Managed Nodes group and HP NNM Web Tools are unassigned from services hosted on them.
The way in which disconnected nodes are handled depends on a organization's processes and preferences. With this in mind, the HP NNM Adapter does not take any automatic action on disconnected nodes. With the right user role permissions, an operator can manually disconnect a node using the operator-selectable action Remove node from HP Operations Manager for Windows. If you do not want to manage this node anymore, you can easily remove it. If you want to keep it, you can disregard the disconnection message without initiating any other actions.
Internally, node removal in HP Operations Manager is a complex
process. The HP NNM Adapter uses the same process as HP Operations
Manager and displays this message:
Deleting this node will remove it, and the services hosted on it,
from the management server inventory. Policies and packages on this
managed node will not be automatically removed, but inventory about
the node will be removed from the management server database. You
should remove policies and packages before removing the node.
Are you sure you want to remove the node <node>?
You should answer yes only after all policies and packages are
removed from the node to be deleted.
Start Run regedit OK
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