After you have defined a user role by specifying the services, nodes, tools, message groups, and policy categories that you want to associate with this user role, you then assign users and groups to the role. Operators belonging to the assigned group see the services, nodes, tools, messages, and policies that you specified and can carry out the tasks you have given them permission to perform.
The only users and groups displayed in this dialog box are those found in the HP-OVE-OPERATORS group on the management server. Users and groups must be added to the HP-OVE-OPERATORS group before they are available here.
A group can be a local Windows group account or Windows domain group account. When you change the membership in the group, the user role is automatically updated to reflect this change.
The Select Users dialog box opens, which lists all the members of the group you selected. Select users from the list and click Add to add these users to the list at the bottom of the Select Users or Groups dialog box.