Use the Messages tab in the New User Role dialog box
to specify the message groups you want to associate with this user
role. Operators you assign to this role can view and perform
permitted operations on messages that contain the message groups
you assign to this role.
Operators can view messages from message groups not assigned to
their user role, but cannot perform message operations on them. You
can restrict an operator's view to just those message groups
specified for this user role if you prefer.
Different user roles can permit access to the same message group
but have different message operation permissions assigned to the
message group. For example, one role could allow an operator to
own, disown, and launch operator-initiated actions for all messages
for a particular message group, but not allow the operator to
acknowledge, change severity, or launch automatic actions again.
Another operator could be assigned a different user role that
permits all message operations for the same message group. If an
operator is in two message groups, with two different permissions,
the user is given the permissions and not restricted.
A default message group will be assigned to each role and cannot
be removed from the list of message groups in the Messages
tab. This default group allows you to grant permission to perform
operations on messages that do not belong to any of the message
groups assigned to this user role.
To configure messages for user roles
Open the User Roles dialog box if it is not already
Select a
node, service, or tool in the console tree.
on the
Configuration toolbar to open the User Role Configuration
Editor and display the User Roles dialog box or right-click
to open the shortcut menu and select ConfigureUser Roles.
Click New to open the New User Role dialog box.
The General tab displays by default.
Select the Messages tab.
Type the name of the message group you are creating in the
Enter message group box or select from the list, which shows
the available values for this message group. Click Add to
add the message group to the Message Groups assigned this
Role box. Message filters in the console and web console limit
the message group length to 32 characters (the same length limit of
the field in messages).
To set permissions for this message group, select the message
group name. The Remove and Permissions buttons become
Click Permissions to open the Permitted Operations
for Msg Group dialog box. The title of the dialog box reflects
the name of the message group you selected.
Specify the permissions you want to associate with this message
group and click OK to confirm your choices and close the
Permitted Operations for Msg Group dialog box.
Click Apply to apply your changes.
Select the Policies tab to continue
configuring this user role.