HP Operations Manager for Windows

Configure Service Types

You can specify properties for service types, used when an instance of a service is created, using the Configure Service Types dialog box.

A service type is similar to a template; you associate a service type with specific reports, graphs, tools, and deployment packages. That service type is then used when an instance of the associated service is created. Any tools, reports, graphs, and deployment packages associated with the service type are associated with every instance of that service that has been or will be created. The service type assures that these properties are applied globally to all services of that type.

Note NOTE:
Associating a report with a service type does not create a new report, but allows you to launch a default report (usually the " All Systems" report).

To configure a service type, use the Properties dialog box. The title of this dialog box will change, depending on the service type you select in the Configure Service Types dialog box tree. If you select Application Services, for example, the Properties dialog box will be titled Application Services Properties.

Server or cluster failover behavior

HPOM for Windows monitors the availability of server components such as the Windows Management Interface (WMI), the server itself, and the cluster resource group (if your environment contains clusters.)

In the event of a failure of one or more of these components, some activities may be temporarily unavailable, until WMI or the server is restored. See Related Topics: for details.

Related Topics: