HP Operations Manager for Windows

Configure reports and graphs

Configure the reports and graphs you want to associate with a particular service using the Reports and Graphs tab of the Service dialog box. Settings you make here apply to the specific instance.
Note NOTE:
Associating a report with a service type does not create a new report, but allows you to launch a default report (usually the " All Systems" report).

To configure reports and graphs for service types

  1. Open the Service Editor
  2. Select the service for which you want to configure reports or graphs.
  3. Select Properties.
  4. Select the Reports and Graphs tab.
  5. Click the Add button to open the Select Report Family or Category dialog box.
  6. Select the report family and category you want to associate with this service and click OK to close the dialog box. The name of the family and category you selected appear in the Reports box.
  7. Click the Add button to open the Select Graph Family or Category dialog box.
  8. Select the graph family and category you want to associate with this service and click OK to close the dialog box. The name of the family and category you selected appear in the Graphs box.
  9. In the Filter Value box, you can type a filter string if you want to filter all but a specific instance of the metric being graphed. For example, if you were graphing the metric BYCPU_ID, you could graph only CPU 1 with the filter value BYCPU_ID = @@PARAMETER1. Refer to the Metric Selection window of the Graph Configuration dialog box to see a list of valid metrics.
  10. Click Apply to apply your changes without closing the dialog box.
  11. Click OK to confirm your changes and close the service editor.

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