Policy properties

Every policy has a set of policy properties. These properties include:

Policy Related Information:

Policy Name
The name under which the policy was saved.
The version that was assigned to this version of the policy when it was saved.
Version ID
The GUID that was assigned to this version of the policy when it was saved. Each version of a policy has a unique ID.
Policy ID
The GUID that was assigned to the policy when it was created. Different policies have unique Policy IDs, while different versions of one policy have the same Policy ID.
Last Modification
The date that this version of the policy was saved.
Last Modified By
The domain and user name active when this version of the policy was saved.
A comma-separated list of strings. You can use categories to associate policies with instrumentation and user roles.
A description of the policy. This is the only policy property that can be changed.

Policy Type Related Information:

The name of the policy type to which this policy belongs.
The version of the policy type.
Version ID
The GUID assigned to this version of the policy type.

Policy Group Related Information:

Policy Groups
A list of policy groups that contain this policy.
Only show for current version
Enables you to restrict the list of policy groups to show only the groups that contain this particular version of the policy.

Policy Deployment Related Information:

Deployed on nodes
A list of nodes to which this policy is currently deployed.
Only show for current version
Enables you to restrict the list of nodes to show only the nodes that have this particular version of the policy.


Related Topics:
View policy properties