HP Operations Manager

Resolve the IP address of the management server

The information reported on the management server and on the managed node must match. If you are using DNS in your environment, you must modify your DNS server configuration to ensure that the information matches. Follow this procedure on the management server and the managed node to find out if name resolution is properly configured.
  1. On the management server, determine the DNS domain and IP of the management server by typing the following command:

    ipconfig /all

    Note the following information:

    Host Name :kurbis

    Primary DNS Suffix :veg.com


    IP Address :


  2. On Windows 2003 managed nodes, resolve hostname with DNS by typing these commands:

    a. Purge the DNS cache by typing:

    ipconfig /flushdns

    b. ping kurbis

    c. Display the DNS resolution cache by typing this command:

    ipconfig /displaydns

    Note the following information:



    Record Name: kurbis.veg.com

    Record Type: 1

    Time To Live: 42560

    Data Length: 4

    Section: Answer

    A (Host) Record:


  3. If you are using WINS, check the following:
    • Purge the WINS cache by typing this command:

      nbtstat -R

      Successful purge and preload of the NBT Remote Cache Name Table.

    • ping "kurbis "

      The quotes and space behind the name are required to force resolution through WINS.

    • Display the WINS name resolution cache by typing this command:

      nbtstat -c

      Note the following information:

      Node IpAddress: [] Scope Id: []

    NetBIOS Remote Cache Name Table

    Name Type Host Address Life (sec)
    kurbis <00> UNIQUE 567

    If the NetBIOS name is found and IP equals management server, then the node can resolve the IP address through WINS. If not, you must modify the configuration of your WINS server to ensure that it matches.