HP Operations Manager for Windows

Set open message interface policy rule conditions

HP Operations can integrate messages generated by its own message command, opcmsg. If the Open Message Interface policy is not installed on the computer where opcmsg generates messages, all messages generated by opcmsg are sent directly to the management server. The HP Operations Open Message Interface policy filters messages into HP Operations by defining match conditions for these messages. If a message matches, the policy sends a message to the management server. All other messages are suppressed.

Rule Description: Type a description that will help you remember what this rule does. This description is visible in the rules list.

Node: Type the FQDN, the primary node name, or the IP address if you only want to match messages generated on a specific node. Give multiple entries with the OR operator (for example: kohlrabi.veg.com|beet.veg.com), or leave blank for all nodes. You can also use variable <$OPC_MGMTSV>.

Message Group: Type the message group that you want to assign to messages generated by this rule. Give a message group or leave blank for all message groups. A message can belong to only one message group. You can use multiple message groups to set the filter in the policy's rule condition, to select the messages that will arrive.

Application: Type the name of the application that generated the message.

Object: Type the name of the object that generated the message.

Note NOTE:
Although the term application generally refers to a general program name and object generally refers to a process or sub-program, you should use these values to assist your own organizational scheme.

Severity: Select the severities that the message should have.

Message Text: Type in the pattern that you want the policy to compare with the message text in the source message that it is evaluating.

To set open message interface policy rule conditions

  1. Right-click the Open Message Interface policy and select All Tasksarrow Edit...
  2. Select Rules.
  3. Select the rule to which you want to modify the conditions.
  4. Select Modify.
  5. Select Condition and choose the conditions for this rule.

You can use message text pattern conventions to specify the matching pattern. For more information about pattern matching see, Pattern-matching and variables.

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