If you only want to match event log entries from a specific node, type the FQDN, the primary node name, or the IP address in the Computer field. Give multiple entries with the OR operator (for example, celery.veg.com|broccoli.veg.com) or leave the field blank for all nodes. You can also use the variable <$OPC_MGMTSV>.
Pattern matching may be used in the Description field. The match patterns may not contain newline characters. If you need to match a multi-line pattern, use the special character <*> to match any carriage return/linefeed characters.
You can also use pattern matching in the Source field, but you must first enable this on the nodes that you want to use it on.
To enable pattern matching in the Source field, set the parameter OPC_COND_EVT_LOG_SRC_PAT to TRUE. You can do this in the following ways:
namespace. (See
Configure HTTPS agent installation defaults.)eaagt
on the node. (See ovconfchg.)eaagt
namespace on the node
from the management server. (See ovconfpar.)Policies generated from existing HP Operations Manager for UNIX templates have a combined Event ID and Description text box. You can convert to two text box format by selecting Use combined format for event ID and description and then saving the policy and re-opening. Note that you must re-type the information in the two new boxes.
Parts of the matched string can be built into the message displayed in the message browser by defining variables. For more information about variables see, Pattern-matching and variables
Set Event Log Rule Conditions
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