HP Operations Manager

Example: managed node requirements check using the -? option

command prompt: vpstat -7 -?


Managed node requirements check using OvOWReqCheckSrv tool 
  <param_list>: [-n NodeName] [-s][ -d]
  -n Name|IP  : Checks specified node.If not specified, the local node is checked.
  -s		: Displays status ( OK | NOK ) per requirements.
  -d		: Displays status ( OK | NOK ) per requirements detailed output.
Use the -? option of this command to print out help on the command.
Option Description
-n Name | IP With the -n option, followed by a space and by a computer name or an IP address, vpstat is instructed to connect to a specified machine and to perform the requirements checklist for that machine.
-s With the -s option vpstat is instructed to display to the screen the result of the MC line requirements check in a short form (OK or NOK).
-d With the -d option vpstat is instructed to display the result of the MC line requirements check in a detailed form. Besides the short print out (OK or NOK), the demanded and the current values of the requirement are also displayed.