switch. For example, the following command displays the HP
Operations Manager for Windows processes that are running:
command prompt: vpstat -8 -l
Configuration file: C:\Program Files\HP\data\conf\vpstat\vpstat.conf Ver: Date: Wed Sep 5 02:29:14 2007 Remark: HP Operation Manager - Performance. ID:1456 OVTRCSVC.EXE 06.00.035 C:\Program Files\HP\bin ID:1536 SQLSERVR.EXE 2005.090.3042.0 c:\Program Files\HP\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Binn ID:1612 OVCD.EXE 06.00.030 C:\Program Files\HP\bin ID:1748 DNSDSCR.EXE A. C:\Program Files\HP\bin ID:1800 SERVICELOGGER.EXE 2, 6, 0, 0 c:\Program Files\HP\bin ID:2244 OVMSMACCESSMANAGER.E A. C:\Program Files\HP\bin ID:2452 OVOWREQCHECKSRV.EXE A. C:\Program Files\HP\bin ID:2532 OVOWWMIPLATPROV.EXE A. C:\Program Files\HP\bin ID:2676 OVPMAD.EXE A. C:\Program Files\HP\bin ID:2952 OVSECURITYSERVER.EXE A. C:\Program Files\HP\bin ID:3012 OVAUTODISCOVERYSERVE A. C:\Program Files\HP\bin ID:3060 OVEPMSGACTSRV.EXE A. C:\Program Files\HP\bin ID:3180 OVEPSTATUSENGINE.EXE A. C:\Program Files\HP\bin OK:ALL CRITICAL PROCESSES ARE RUNNINGThe processes you want to check or list can be specified directly as a first ProcessName parameter on the command line or by using the
option, which lists all the processes on the
You can get additional information about the process by using
the optional -d
and -m
parameters. The
option displays process details such as current and
peak working set size, page faults, image size, base address, and
entry point.
The -m
option lists all modules (for example, DLLs)
that are loaded into the process address space with the
corresponding version and image file name.
The -k
option allows you to terminate a particular
process (forced kill). This must be specified either by its PID or
a process name.