HP Operations Manager

View automatic and operator-initiated commands

Commands to resolve problems are associated with messages by your administrator. There are two types of commands; each message can be associated with one command of each type: The Commands tab of the Message Properties dialog box displays any automatic and operator-initiated commands configured by the administrator for the selected message and also shows the node on which the command runs and the status of the command. You can start or stop the configured automatic or operator-initiated command using the Start and Stop buttons. Commands are launched from the active messages browser.

To view automatic and operator-initiated commands

  1. In the details pane of the active messages browser, select the message for which you want to view commands.
  2. Right-click to open the shortcut menu.
  3. Select Properties to open the Message Properties dialog box.
  4. Select the Commands tab to view the commands configured for the selected message, the location where the command runs, and the status of the command.
  5. To start or stop a command, use the Start and Stop buttons for automatic and operator-initiated commands.

    Click Refresh to see the status of the command you launched. If the command runs on the console, you will not see a status change; status displays as Available. Commands running on the console are not launched from the management server, which reports the status information.

  6. Click OK to close the dialog box.
You can also check the success or failure of a command by looking at the message attributes in the Status column of the message browser headline.

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