HP Operations Manager

Change default message browser limit

The active and acknowledged messages browsers have a default limit of 50,000 messages that can be viewed at one time. Each open message browser, map view, or list view constitutes an MMC view that appears in a separate window within the MMC. The limit applies to the combined open views, so that if you have two message browser views open (or a message browser and a map view), the combined number of messages displayed in both views cannot exceed 50,000 messages.

A view can be active or inactive. An active view appears on top of other windows in the MMC and its title bar is colored blue. Any inactive views are located behind the active view, and their title bars are colored gray. To change an inactive view to the active view, left-click once in the inactive view. It will become active and appear on top of any other views.

When the default message limit is exceeded, the oldest messages are deleted, at the rate of 10% at a time. The browser removes all messages in those views not being looked at (inactive views) and also removes the view. For example, if you have an active view and three inactive views in the background, to remain within the 50,000 message limit, the browser would first remove the inactive views, then remove 10% of the messages in the active view.

To configure the browser cache limit:

  1. From the console tree, select Operations Manager.
  2. Right-click to open the shortcut menu.
  3. Select Properties to open the Properties dialog box which you can use to configure console settings.
  4. In the General tab, specify the maximum level of cached messages.
  5. Click OK to save your changes and close the dialog box.