HP Operations Manager for Windows provides help files to guide you
through the tasks you want to perform. Help is available from
several locations:
Help drop-down menu
Any shortcut menu
Help buttons in dialog boxes
Help files consist of overview, conceptual, and procedural topics
and interactive demonstrations.
Overview topics are associated with the book level icon in the
table of contents. Procedural topics may also contain some overview
information, to explain concepts related to a particular task.
Conceptual topics provide a high-level view of a task or a series
of related tasks and are identified in the table of contents with
an icon that resembles a document page.
Procedures are step-by-step instructions that describe a particular
user task. These are identified in the table of contents with an
icon that illustrates numbered steps.
Interactive demos
illustrate complex concepts such as the flow of a process or the
interrelationship of rules and parameters. In some cases you can
change information in a help demonstration to test the results of
an action before you implement the task. See the Basic Training for
HP Operations interactive tutorial in the help system table of
contents for an example of an interactive demonstration.
Links to more information
Blue underlined text is linked to related topics that appear in
various ways, depending on the content of the linked information:
Popup windows
display acronym and glossary information.
Links to other topics replace the existing text in the help
window. Use the Back button to return to your starting
to hidden text expand to provide additional information without
requiring you to leave your current location. A small blue arrow
indicates expandable information. When printing from help files,
expand the hidden text to print it.
Cautions and notes
Cautions show important
information that may significantly affect your work.
present helpful information.
Printing help files
Print topics of interest by printing one topic page at a time or
groups of topics by right-clicking the topic in the contents pane
and selecting Print. If you want to print the entire help,
start from the top-level topic (HP Operations Manager for
Windows). Note that, depending on the number of SPIs installed,
the help may contain more than 2500 printed pages.
You can also download the core help (which excludes help for
SPIs) in PDF format from the HP
Software Product Manuals web site.
Copying help files
You may want to copy the help files from your management server to
your local computer. This enables to you to read HPOM documentation
when you cannot access the management server. The help files are
.chm files, and are located on your management server at
%OvInstallDir%\help\en\. Copy all the .chm files into
one directory on your local computer. Double-click
console.chm to start the online help.