HP Operations Manager

Message severity and status levels

The console displays six levels of message severity, color-coded so you can assess their importance at a glance. Severity levels are assigned to messages by your administrator, based on their importance in your environment. The numbers beside the severity level show the corresponding severity level as it appears in WMI messages.
Severity Level Icon Meaning
Critical (32) A condition affecting a service or node has occurred and immediate corrective action is needed.
Major (16) Problem severity is high and normal use of the affected object is likely to be impeded.
Minor (8) Problem severity is relatively low and should not impede normal use of the object.
Warning (4) A potential or impending service-affecting fault has occurred. Take action to diagnose and correct the problem.
Normal (2) Message output is as expected. A process might be starting or completing or status information displayed.
Unknown (0) A severity level was not defined in the policy running on the managed node for the event that generated the message.

The following table shows the possible states of the message and the values as they map to WMI message values.

State Numeric Value
Undefined 1
Unowned 2
Owned 3
Acknowledged 4
Node Deleted 5
Deleted 6