HP Operations Manager

HPOM Cluster Resource Group

During the installation of HPOM on a cluster, you must select a cluster resource group for HPOM. The installation creates all cluster resources necessary to run HPOM with failover support on a Windows cluster. The following illustration shows the HPOM cluster resource group inside the MS Cluster Administrator.

After installing HPOM on a cluster, you must not change the names of the HPOM resource group or any HPOM resources. Otherwise, adding new nodes to the cluster or uninstalling HPOM will fail.

The MS Cluster Administrator can be used to change the way MSCS treats the resources. The HPOM installer creates the HPOM resources with the default settings defined by Microsoft. For details about these settings and their impact on the cluster and HPOM, consult the MS Cluster Service online help.

The cluster resource group contains the following resources:

Resource Description
Disk <letter> This is the shared disk used by HPOM to store that part of its data which needs to be in sync between all cluster nodes. All other resources depend on this resource; they cannot work without it.
OvOW Access Manager This resource controls the HPOM Access Manager service. This resource depends on the consistency check resource.
OvOW AutoDiscovery Server This resource controls the HPOM AutoDiscovery Server service. This resource depends on the consistency check resource.
OvOW cluster Consistency Check This cluster resource ensures the consistency of the HPOM installation across all cluster nodes. See the Check Cluster Consistency Topic for details. This resource depends on the registry replication resource.
OvOW DNS Discovery This resource controls the HPOM DNS Discovery service. This resource depends on the consistency check resource.
OvOW IP Address This resource is the owner of the IP address of the virtual HPOM server entered during the installation. This resource depends on the shared disk resource.
OvOW Message Action Server This resource controls the HPOM Message Action Server service. This resource depends on the consistency check resource.
OvOW Network Name This resource is the owner of the network name of the virtual HPOM server entered during the installation. This resource depends on the IP address resource.
OvOW Policy Management and Deployment This resource controls the HPOM PMAD service. This resource depends on the consistency check resource.
OvOW Prerequisites Check Server This resource controls the HPOM Node Prerequisites Check Server service. This resource depends on the consistency check resource.
OvOW Registry Replication This resource is a placeholder for the registry keys that need to be replicated between the cluster nodes to keep the HPOM configuration on all nodes in sync. See the Check Cluster Consistency and the Registry Key Replication topics for details. This resource depends on the network name resource.
OvOW Security Server This resource controls the HPOM Security Server service. This resource depends on the consistency check resource.
OvOW Status Engine This resource controls the HPOM Status Engine service. This resource depends on the consistency check resource.
OvReporter Service This resource controls the HP Reporter service. This resource depends on the consistency check resource.
SPI-Share This resource controls a Windows file share called "SPI-Share" which is used to store templates for the config file policy type. It depends on the network name resource.

In order to use HPOM on a cluster, all the above-mentioned resources need to be online. The only exception is the "OvReporter Service" in case a standalone Reporter installation is used.