HP Operations Manager

Handle large annotations and message texts

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Annotations can be very large (for example, file listings that have been created by automatic actions and are added to the message can be up to several MB). Automatically generated message texts can also be large.

In general, it is not helpful to fill up the auditing event log with these huge amounts of data. Additionally, the event log API enforces a limit of 32KB for each parameter that is passed to an event log text. A maximum of 32KB of an annotation can be written to the event log; anything over the maximum is truncated.

You can restrict the size threshold of how much of annotations and message texts should be audited.

To handle large annotations and message texts

  1. In the console tree, right-click Operations Manager, and then click ConfigurearrowServer.... The Server Configuration dialog box opens.
  2. Click Namespaces, and then click Auditing. A list of values appears.

  3. Set the value of Restrict event size for message change auditing to the maximum number of bytes for message texts and annotations in the audit log.

    The maximum value is 32 KB; when annotations or message texts are audited and exceed this value, the text that exceeds this limit is truncated. The message change auditing feature indicates that an annotation or a message text has been cut by adding "..." to the end of the text.

    The default value is 32767, which means that the maximum of 32 KB text (the Windows Event Log API limit) is audited. Even if you configure a value above 32 KB, only 32 KB of text will be audited.

  4. Click Apply, and then OK to save your changes and close the Server Configuration dialog box.

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