Message change audit event attributes
Event Properties dialog displays message change audit
attributes, as shown below:
The table explains the message change audit event
Type |
Is always "Success Audit." |
Date, Time |
Contains the date/time when the auditing event was
logged. Due to race conditions, this may not be exactly the time
when the message change was done in the local HPOM for Windows
database; for forwarded message changes this may not be the time
when the message change was originally made to the message on the
sending server. |
Source |
Is "MessageChanges_local" or
"MessageChanges_forwarded," depending on where the original message
change was done. If changed locally, the source is
"MessageChanges_local." If the message change was received from
another management server, the source is
"MessageChanges_forwarded." |
Category |
Can be one of the following, depending on the
message change that was audited:
- Custom Message Attributes Change
- Severity Change
- State Change
- Text Change
- Annotation Add
- Annotation Delete
- Annotation Modify
- DBMaint execution (for English locale)
The Category name is locale dependent and localized to Japanese,
Korean, and Simplified Chinese. |
Event |
The identifier for the type of message change that
was audited:
- custom message attribute change, event = 711
- message severity change, event = 712
- message state change, event = 713
- message text change, event = 714
- message annotation add, event = 715
- message annotation delete, event = 716
- message annotation modified, event = 717
- DB Maintenance message download and deletion, event = 718
- DB Maintenance message deletion, event = 719
User |
For local message changes, this is the local user
who made the change. For forwarded message changes, this is the
user account of the service that logged the auditing event; in most
cases this will be the LOCAL SYSTEM account. |
Computer |
Always the host name of the local HPOM for Windows
server. |
Description |
Depends on the type of message change that was
audited, as described below:
- For a custom message attribute change, the description is:
(MS711) The custom message attributes were changed on
$(MsgSeverity) message "$(MsgId)" to $(NewListOfCMAs) by user
"$(UserName)" at $(DateTime).
- For a message severity change, the description is:
(MS712) The message severity was changed on message "$(MsgId)"
from "$(OldSeverity)" to "$(NewSeverity)" by user "$(UserName)" at
- For a message state change, the description is:
(MS713) The message state was changed on $(MsgSeverity) message
"$(MsgId)" from "$(OldState)" to "$(NewState)" by user
"$(UserName)" at $(DateTime).
- For a message text change, the description is:
(MS714) The message text was changed on message "$(MsgId)" from
"$(OldText)" to "$(NewText)" by user "$(UserName)" at
- For a message annotation add, the description is:
(MS715) A message annotation was added to message "$(MsgId)"
with the annotation text "$(NewAnnoText)" by user "$(UserName)" at
- For a message annotation delete, the description is:
(MS716) A message annotation was deleted from message "$(MsgId)"
with the annotation text "$(OldAnnoText)" by user "$(UserName)" at
- For a message annotation modified, the description is:
(MS717) A message annotation was modified on message "$(MsgId)"
from annotation text "$(OldAnnoText)" to "$(NewAnnoText)" by user
"$(UserName)" at $(DateTime).
- For DB Maintenance message download and deletion, the
description is:
(MS718) DBMaint execution has downloaded $(NumberOfMessages)
messages that have been acknowledged earlier than $(DateTime) to
file "$(Path/FileName)." After the download, these messages have
been deleted from the database.
- For DB Maintenance message deletion, the description is:
(MS719) DBMaint execution has deleted $(NumberOfMessages)
messages from the database that have been acknowledged earlier than
Localization Information
The Description string is locale dependent and localized to
Japanese, Korean, and Simplified Chinese, as follows:
$(DateTime) will be replaced by the date/time when the
message change was done in the database on the local HPOM for
Windows server. For forwarded message changes, this may not be the
time when the message change was originally done to the message on
the sending server.
$(DateTime) will be localized to the regional and language
options of the HPOM for Windows server system (system settings, not
the user settings, as done in the console).
For example, a system locale of English (United States) will
look like this: 8/30/2005 7:43:49 PM +0200 UTC
. This
also indicates that the time is regionalized to central European
daylight savings time (UTC+2).
$(UserName) will be replaced by the user logon name,
followed by the display name, as configured in the user
configuration on the domain server, for example,
"HPOMTest\Administrator (John Doe, HP USA)." The display name is
only provided in $(UserName) if it can be resolved by asking the
Domain server. To be able to resolve this name, the HPOM for
Windows server must be a domain member of the user's domain. In the
example above, the HPOM for Windows server must be member of the
HPOMTEST domain to be able to resolve the user's display name.
The lookup of the display name is very expensive. For performance
reasons this lookup is only done once and the lookup result is
stored in a memory cache. A change of a user's display name on the
domain server will not become visible in the HPOM for Windows
message change auditing until the WMI service is restarted with the
following command:
net stop winmgmt; net start winmgmt