CDFControl has the ability to configure the modules selected
in the main window, for startup tracing. It leverages the Citrix
Diagnostic Facility COM Server (CdfSvc.exe) service, which can
automatically start a CDF trace upon system (or service) startup,
if the modules are enabled via the registry. It makes configuring
startup tracing alot easier, as manually enabling each module in
the registry can be a time consuming task. Follow these steps to
enable/disable startup tracing:
Configure path to the CDF_PersistSession.etl, which will
get created as a result of the startup tracing. This is done via
the options menu
Place a checkmark next to the desired Citrix trace modules on
the main CDFControl window
Click on Startup Tracing from the Tools menu
Click on Enable
Click on Startup Tracing from the Tools menu
Click on Disable
See CTX107025 for
information on manually configuring startup tracing this way, and
also about changing the service load order to ensure that the
component being traced, is captured correctly at startup.
CDFControl originally supported the ETW GlobalLogger trace
session; however, since no current Citrix products utilize this, it
was decided to instead leverage the CdfSvc.exe's capability to
capture a startup trace.
For more information on the Global Logger Session, in addition to
associated registry keys/values, see: Global
Logger Trace Session