View Package Groupings

The display of package information below the Packages item includes groupings for all packages, package types, and package classes.

To display package groupings:

  1. Expand the Packages item in the Scope pane.

The <All Packages> item, the package type items, and the <By Class> item display.

This table describes the package groupings.



<All Packages>

Lists all of the packages in the Package Depot.



Package type. Perform as low-level system software tasks. May include operating system software that requires associated vendor files or standalone programs for flashing the BIOS or performing other system tasks. Only one instance of a given CCM system package can be installed on a computer. A CCM system package can be updated.


Package Type. Typically replicates the task of installing network and application software as you would from a CD-ROM. A CCM application package may require associated vendor files. Only one instance of a particular CCM application package can be installed on a computer. A CCM application package can be updated.


Package type. Typically modifies software/OS configurations of the computer.


Package type. Typically modifies the computer’s software/OS environment or configure the computer in some way. Only one instance of a particular CCM action package can be installed on a computer. A CCM action package can be updated

Mounted Drive

CCM Version 1.3 packages. Supported only for backwards compatibility with CCM V4.0 or 3.1 systems in the Command Center.

<By Class>

Lists all package classes for all of the packages in the Package Depot.