CCM Command Center Properties Dialog Box: CCM Activities Tab

This tab lets you make settings for certain tasks that the CCM Command Center carries out automatically when you perform tasks in CCM, including

Properties for All CCM Activities





Automatically open dialog boxes

Controls dialog box behavior when a CCM activity is running.


Dialog boxes open automatically for input.

You must double click a computer row to open the dialog boxes.

Automatically open new window for new Task

Controls window behavior when a CCM activity is running.


A new CCM Activities window (Managing Package Jobs nnn) opens automatically.

The Managing Package Jobs nnn task appears in the main console window's Result pane.

Automatically clear rows with status of Done

Controls row behavior in the Result pane for computers rows with a status of Done.


Computer rows in the Result pane that reach a Status of Done are cleared automatically.

You must select from a menu to clear the rows.

Package Deployment Properties







Automatically update, if only one update package

Controls the automatic updating of packages when only one update package is available.

CCM automatically updates the package.

The Update Package dialog box opens. You must click Replace to update the package, or Install to just install the package.

Automatically add required packages

Controls the automatic addition of a required package when only one package is available.

CCM automatically deploys the required package.

The Add Required Packages dialog box opens for you to select the required package.

Automatically delete conflicting packages


Controls the automatic deletion of conflicting packages.

CCM automatically deletes the conflicting packages.

The Delete Conflicting Packages dialog box opens and you must confirm the deletion.

Automatically distribute packages without post-dating


Controls the automatic distribution of packages without post-dating.

CCM sends the packages at the next action interval.

The Manage Packages: Choose Drive and Date dialog box opens for you to input the drive and date.

Minimum number of common classes to determine update packages

Sets the number of classes an installed package must have in common with a new package before the installed package is displayed as a candidate for an update. Valid entries are 1 through 100.