Pause/Continue Computer Actions for Multiple Computers Dialog Box

Use the Pause/Continue Computer Actions dialog box to pause CCM Windows Agent actions on computers, continue Desktop Agent actions that are paused, or cancel sessions completely. You can only pause, continue, or cancel actions on computers in an active state.

This dialog box has the following features:

Active computers list box

List of computers on which Windows Agent actions are currently executing. Windows Agent actions on these computers can be paused or canceled.

Stopped computers list box

List of computers on which Windows Agent actions are currently paused. Windows Agent actions on these computers can be restarted or canceled.





Pauses the Windows Agent actions on the computers listed in the Active computers list box. The computers move to the Stopped computers list box.

Cancel Actions

Cancels the Windows Agent actions altogether on the selected computers in the Active computers or Stopped computers list boxes.


Continues the Windows Agent actions on computers that are paused, and executes the remaining jobs.


Closes the dialog box. Computers remain in their respective state.


Opens the Help window describing this dialog box.