Configure Disks: Multiple Computers Dialog Box

Use the Configure Disks: Multiple Computers dialog box to partition and format the hard drives of the multiple selected Consistent Mode computers or to provide format and partitioning information about the selected Cooperative Mode computers.

Any settings you make in this dialog box apply globally to all the selected computers wherever possible. For example, if you set the size type to percent for Disk#2, the percent type applies to all other selected computers that have a Disk#2.

TIP: The intent of working with multiple computers is to achieve identical results across a large number of computers and to avoid the necessity of entering identical information many times. To take advantage of this Command Center functionality you should choose computers with identical configurations when assigning partitioning and formatting jobs. For example, if you are repartitioning a disk or adding a disk, make sure that all the computers you select have the same number of disks.

Following is a description of each of the features in this dialog box.

Disk Menu

The Disk menu provides the following commands.



Partition Disk

Opens the Partition Properties of <Disk #> dialog box where you can set the partitioning size and type for the selected disk. The settings you make here apply to the Disk tab that you selected in the dialog box. You can create up to four partitions on a disk.

Add Disk

Adds a new Disk # tab for partitioning in the Configure Disks: Multiple Computers dialog box display. You can add up to four disks.

Delete Disk

Deletes the last disk for each computer displayed in this dialog box. For example, if Computer A originally had 3 disks, Disk #2 is removed; if Computer B originally had 2 disks, Disk #1 is removed. You cannot remove a specific selected disk.

Add Format Job

Opens the Add Format Job dialog box where you can specify and add a formatting job for a disk that is not CCM partitioned.

Delete Format Job

Opens the Delete Format Job dialog box where you can specify a formatting job to be removed from the CCM database, typically for an externally-partitioned disk.

Disk Tab

When you first add managed computers to CCM, a single tab for Disk #0 appears in this dialog box. As you add disks, additional numbered tabs appear. You can add up to four disks.

Computer Name

The Computer Name column lists all the computers that you selected in the Result pane before opening this dialog box.

Disk Summary Button

This button heads the column of Disk Summary items for each of the listed computers.

NOTE: In emergency situations, you can Shift-click this button when you need to change the status of the partitioning job for this disk on all listed computers to Assigned, Active, Done, or Error.

WARNING: Changing the Status from Done to Assigned will cause the computer to fail. Any software jobs for software installed on the managed computer will be REMOVED from the database.

Disk Summary Item

In the Disk Summary column there is an item for each listed computer. When you first add managed computers to CCM, this item displays the disk number and a Not Partitioned label. After you define a partitioning job for the disk, the item reports the following information.



Disk # and Partitioning Type

The Disk number starting at 0 (Zero)

If this is a Fdisk computer, the item reports that there is No CCM partitioning.


The current status during job execution

Assigned - Job in queue to be executed

Active - Job being executed

Done - Job successfully completed

Error - Job failed

Drive Letter

  • The assigned partition letter

  • The assigned size in MBs or percent

  • The assigned formatting type, FAT16 or FAT32

You can right-click the Disk Summary item to access the Partition, Add Disk, and Delete Disk commands.

Partition/Format # Button

This button heads the column of Format Job items for each of the partitions for each of the listed computers. You can create up to four partitions on a single disk. An enumerated button appears at the top of additional columns for each partition.

NOTE: In emergency situations, you can Shift-click this button when you need to change the Phase of the formatting job for this partition on all listed computers to Assigned, SysFormatting, Formatting, Done or Error.

WARNING: Changing the Phase may cause the computer to crash or may cause other jobs dependent upon this job to fail.

Partitioning/Formatting Job Item

After you have defined a partitioning job, the following information appears about each partition.



Action and Partition

The type of action being performed on a partition (System formatting or Data formatting) on the specified partition letter.

System formatting is applied to only the C: partition. Data formatting is applied to all other partitions on the computer.


The current phase being performed on a partition

Assigned - Job in queue to be executed

SysFormatting - C partition being formatted

Formatting - Non-system drive being formatted

Done - Job successfully completed

Error - phase has failed


The current status during job execution:

(blank) - Job in queue to be executed

Active - Job being executed

Done - Job successfully executed

Error - Job failed


The partition's total capacity


The partition's unallocated disk space

Standard Buttons




Accepts the changes you have made and deploys the new hardware jobs to all computers listed in this dialog box.


Closes the dialog box, ignoring the settings you have made.

OK (Coop.)

Provides format and partitioning information to CCM about the selected computer. The computer is not reformatted or repartitioned.


Opens this Help topic.