After a mobile computer has downloaded a package, it installs the package offline, accessing the software from the designated remote or CD depot area. After the job is completed, the user should reconnect the mobile computer to the CCM configuration server.
Reconnecting allows status information contained in the computer’s config.ctl file to be written to the server, and unlocks the computer in the CCM Configuration Server’s database. After a job is completed, the CCM Windows Agent prompts the user to reconnect. This reminder may have a delay of up to two minutes depending on the setup of the PC. The CCM Windows Agent automatically synchronizes with the CCM server whenever it is reconnected.
NOTE: If the user of a mobile computer does not reconnect to the CCM Configuration Server to update the computer status, the CCM server reports the computer as locked. You can not send additional jobs to the mobile computer until the user reconnects to the server, so that the CCM Windows Agent can update the status and unlock the computer.
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