To edit a computer's package job parameters:
Expand Computers in the Scope pane.
Expand <All Computers> or a computer group name.
Select then right-click a computer to edit all of the package job parameters
- or -
Expand a computer name, and right-click the package job to edit a single package job parameter.
Click Edit Job Parameters.
In the Set Parameters dialog box, select each package job tab and edit the desired parameter value.
Click OK.
In the Update Package Job dialog box, set the Update the CCM database only checkbox.
Uncheck Update the CCM database only (the default setting) to generate an update job, and update the CCM database.
Check Update the CCM database only to update the CCM database only. Your edits are saved to the CCM database, but an update job is not generated.
Click Yes or Yes to All to verify the changes to the parameters on the computer.
You can edit a single package job parameter, or all of the package job parameters for a computer.
How To...
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