iLO 3 expects public key file information on a
single line. You must use the PuTTY Key Generator (puttygen.exe)
utility to import a correctly formatted SSH key for use with iLO
To import SSH keys to iLO 3 from PuTTY:
Double-click the PuTTY Key Generator icon to
launch the utility.
Select SSH-2
RSA, and then click Generate.
On the key area, move the mouse around to
generate the key. You must keep moving the mouse until the key
generation process is complete.
After the key is generated, replace the key
comment with your iLO 3 user name. (The user name is
Select all the text in the public key area.
Copy the key and paste it into a Notepad session.
Return to the PuTTY Key Generator
Click Save
private key to save, and then enter a file name when
prompted, for example, c:\bchan.ppk.
Return to Notepad.
Save the public key file. Click
File>Save As, and then
enter a file name when prompted, for example, c:\
Log into iLO 3 (if not already open).
On the iLO 3 SSH Key Administration page,
click Browse, and then locate
the public key file.
Click Authorize
Key. A new Authorized SSH key appears in the list.
Launch PuTTY.
Select SSH>Auth.
Click Browse, and locate the private key
Configure your iLO 3 IP, and then click
Open. iLO 3 prompts for a
user name.
Enter the logon name associated with the
public key. The public key in iLO 3 authenticates with the private
key in PuTTY. If the keys match, you are logged into iLO 3 without
using a password.
Keys can be created with a key passphrase.
If a key passphrase was used to generate the public key, you are
prompted for the key passphrase before you log into iLO 3.