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All of the following parameters are optional. If a parameter is not specified, then the parameter value for the specified setting is preserved.

WEB_AGENT_IP_ADDRESS is the address for the Web-enabled agents. The value for this element has a maximum length of 50 characters. It can be any valid IP address. If an empty string is entered, the current value is deleted.

SNMP_ADDRESS_1, SNMP_ADDRESS_2, and SNMP_ADDRESS_3 are the addresses that receive traps sent to the user. Each of these parameters can be any valid IP address and has a maximum value of 50 characters.

OS_TRAPS determines if the user should receive SNMP traps that are generated by the operating system. The possible values are "Yes" and "No." By default, the value is set to "No."

RIB_TRAPS determines if the user should receive SNMP traps that are generated by the RIB. The possible values are "Yes" and "No." By default, the value is set to "No."

SNMP_PASSTHROUGH_STATUS determines if iLO can receive/ send SNMP request from/ to the host OS. By default, the value is set to "Yes."

CIM_SECURITY_MASK accepts an integer between 0 and 4. The possible values are:

Each value indicates the level of data returned over the HTTP port.