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To use LOCFG.PL, you must have Perl modules Net::SSSLeay and IO::Socket::SSL. You must also have a valid iLO 3 user account and password for each XML script to use LOCFG.PL. To process the request, your account must have appropriate lights-out privileges.

The LOCFG.PL script connects to iLO 3 using a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection.

perl -s {servername|ipaddress}[:port] [-l logfilename] -f input_filename [-u username -p password] [iLO 3]


-s servername is the DNS name of target server.

-s ipaddress is the IP Address of the target server.

If a port is not specified, the port will default to :443.

DO NOT USE this switch if launching from System Insight Manager.

-l logfilename is the name of the file to log all output to.

A default file with the server name/ipaddress is created if this option is not specified.

DO NOT USE this switch if launching from System Insight Manager.

-f input_filename is the filename containing the RIB Commands

-u username

-p password Command line user name and password override those in the script file.

-iLO 3

Specify the type of targeted management processor. Use iLO 3 for iLO 3.

This flag is optional. Without this flash, LOCFG.PL detects management processor type automatically. Performance is better when this flag is present.

Note: Use -u and -p with caution as command line options are visible on Linux.

For more information, see RIBCL XML Scripting Language.