To use LOCFG.PL, you must have Perl modules Net::SSSLeay and IO::Socket::SSL. You must also have a valid iLO 3 user account and password for each XML script to use LOCFG.PL. To process the request, your account must have appropriate lights-out privileges.
The LOCFG.PL script connects to iLO 3 using a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection.
perl -s {servername|ipaddress}[:port] [-l logfilename] -f input_filename [-u username -p password] [iLO 3]
is the DNS name of target server.
is the IP Address of the target server.
If a port is not specified, the port will default to :443.
DO NOT USE this switch if launching from System Insight Manager.
is the name of the file to log all output
A default file with the server name/ipaddress is created if this option is not specified.
DO NOT USE this switch if launching from System Insight Manager.
is the filename containing the RIB
Command line user name and password override those
in the script file.
-iLO 3
Specify the type of targeted management processor. Use iLO 3 for iLO 3.
This flag is optional. Without this flash, LOCFG.PL detects management processor type automatically. Performance is better when this flag is present.
Note: Use -u and -p with caution as command line options are visible on Linux.
For more information, see RIBCL XML Scripting Language.