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Configuring array controllers

If an array controller has been purchased with the server, run the online ACU to set up the remaining physical drives for use.

IMPORTANT: Microsoft® Internet Explorer is required to run the ACU. Internet Explorer is used to interface with the array controller. For the page to display properly, the server IP address must be included in the trusted sites list. Internet Explorer must be restarted after adding the IP address to the trusted sites list for the settings to take effect.

  1. Click Start, and select All Programs>HP System Tools>HP Array Configuration Utility.
  2. Select whether you want to enable remote administration when prompted.
  3. Click OK.
  4. When prompted for the Web-Based Management password, enter the credentials for either the local administrator account or a local user account in the following format:

    domain name\login name

  5. Configure the remaining physical drives into logical drives, and run Disk Administrator to partition and format the additional drive space.

For more information about using the ACU, refer to the HP Online Help.