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Managing hosts

To add, edit, or delete hosts, click the Manage Hosts button. The Manage Hosts screen appears.

Manage Hosts

To add a host:

  1. Click Add Host. The New Host dialog box appears.

    New Host

  2. Select the method to add a host from the following:
  3. Enter an optional user-defined description given to the host you want to add.
  4. Click OK.

The new host is added to the list on the Select Installation Host(s) screen.

To edit an existing host:

  1. On the Manage Hosts screen, click the Edit Host button. The Edit Host dialog box appears.

    Edit Host

  2. Make your edits.
  3. Click OK.

To delete a host:

  1. On the Manage Hosts screen, click the Delete Host button.
  2. Click Yes when the confirmation screen appears.

    Do you really want to delete the selected host(s)?