The general command line syntax for HP Smart Update Manager is:
hpsum [/h[elp]] [/?] [/f[orce]] [/f[orce]:bundle] [/f[orce]:rom] [/f[orce]:software] [/f[orce]:all ] [/g (/downgrade)] [/e (/rewrite)] [/m[utual])] [/r[eboot]] [/reboot_message "reboot message"] [/reboot_delay timeout_in_seconds] [/reboot_always] [/s[ilent]] [/c[omponent] <component_to_install>] [/group "group_name"]
[/b[undle] <bundle_to_install>] [/allow_update_to_bundle] [/allow_non_bundle_components] [/use_latest] [/use_location "file_share"] [/use_snmp] [/use_wmi] [/romonly] [/softwareonly] [/dryrun] [/continue_on_error <error>] [/override_existing_connection] [/express_install] [/user <username> or /username <username>] [/passwd <password>] [/current_credential] [/target "netAddress"] [/logdir "path"] [<component1_to_install> <component2_to_install> ...] [<bundle1_to_install> <bundle2_to_install> ...]
The HP Smart Update Manager with Onboard Administrator requires a user ID and password to log in.
NOTE: All arguments and information enclosed in brackets are optional. |
On Windows® operating systems, use a slash (/) before each argument. On Linux operating systems, use a hyphen (-) before each argument.
If no command line arguments are executed on the command line, the component GUI appears.