Whether the operating system was factory
Operating system version number
Printouts or electronic copies (to e-mail to
a support technician) of AUTOEXEC.NCF, STARTUP.NCF, and the system
A list of the modules. Use CONLOG.NLM to
identify the modules and to check whether errors occur when the
modules attempt to load.
A list of any SET parameters that are
different from the NetWare default settings
A list of the drivers and NLM files used on
the server, including the names, versions, dates, and sizes (can be
taken directly from the CONFIG.TXT or SURVEY.TXT files)
If HP drivers are installed:
Version of the PSP used
List of drivers from the PSP
Printouts or electronic copies (to e-mail to
a support technician) of:
Current patch level
A list of each third-party hardware
component installed, with the firmware revisions
A list of each third-party software
component installed, with the versions
A detailed description of the problem and
any associated error messages