You should run the File example (as explained below) and understand what it achieves. Later, you may insert breakpoints at appropriate places in the code and see what happens behind the scenes. Here are some suggestions on charting your course:
The first part will show you operations you can perform using the ADSI compliant objects of DirectScript. The next part will show you operations you can perform using the ObjectSecurity object of DirectScript for managing access permissions on files.
Start the application
All the above operations can be done in the Enumerate.exe as follows:
·	Enumeration:
To enumerate any enumerable object you need to either double click on the object in the right pan or left pan, or you need to click on the "+" sign in the left pan.
·	Creation and Deletion:
To create any new object you need to select the destination location where the object you want to create. Then go to object-> new menu and select what you want to create. After that you need to specify the name of the object in the dialog box.
Note: You have to select the proper destination for the new object.
e.g. For creating a file select in which directory you want to create the file.
	For creating a registry key select under which key you want to create the new key.
To delete any object select the object and go to object menu and select delete option.
Note: To delete a directory, the directory should be empty. Also note that deleting a registry key, will also delete all the sub keys and values under the key.
·	Viewing properties:
To view any file properties either double click on the file or go to the object menu and select properties.
	To view directory properties you need to go to the object menu and select properties.
Note: Only file and directory properties can be viewed.
·	Changing attributes:
For changing the attributes of the file/directory go to the object menu and select properties. In this dialog you will get the attributes of the selected object and you can change them also.
Note: 	Registry keys and values don't have any attributes.
·	Rename:
For renaming any object, select the object and go to the object menu and select the Rename option. You need to specify the new name for the object.
·	Getting and setting of the registry values data:
To get or set a value you need to double click on the value you value you want to change. In the pop up dialog box give the new data for the value.
Note: You can only give STRING and DWORD as the data. BINARY data is not supported.