This example uses almost all the ADSI compliant objects in DirectScript. Here are some of the things you can do with it:
View all domains and their properties in your network.
Enumerate all users and their properties in a selected domain.
Enumerate all groups and their properties in a selected domain.
Enumerate all computers and their properties in a selected domain.
Enumerate all groups to which a selected user belongs.
Enumerate all users in a selected group.
Enumerate local users and local groups in a selected computer.
Create a new user in a domain.
Delete an existing user from a domain.
Create a new group in a domain.
Delete an existing group from a domain.
View and change permissions on NTFS files.
This example may be large, but it is not complicated. You can use this example in two ways:
Copy and paste appropriate code fragments from it in your own application
Make enhancements to it so that it evolves into something more suited to your needs.
The example is actually a fully functional standalone utility. It uses drop down Combo boxes, property sheets and list view controls to give you a convenient and concise view of your network.
Before you run the example, please understand how to use the example. Once you understand what the example application does, you might want to see what happens behind the scenes which explains how the code is organized and how it uses Bindview DirectScript objects.