DA creates a role, NewRole of class type Role, with tasks to start a service, manage printer documents, and create a new file share.
Set RoleObj = Con.Create("role",
'Create a new 'Role' named "NewRole". Roles have class type
' Add following tasks in the newly created role
'1. 'CanStartService'
'2. CanManagePrinterDocuments
'3. CanCreateFile
RoleObj.AddTask ("CanStartService")
'Add task for rights to start a service
RoleObj.AddTask ("CanManagePrinterDocuments")
'Add task for rights to perform administrative tasks on the print
job operations
RoleObj.AddTask ("CanCreateFile")
'Add task for rights to Create file share
'To commit the changes to directory
Set RoleObj = Nothing
'releasing the object
End Sub
See Also
Connecting to Roles Container