Type Library
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of Type Library
Bindview DirectScript Event Log 3.2 Type Library
The Event Logger object is useful in logging events to the Windows event log. This object also provides interfaces for sending e-mail and pager alerts to specified e-mail addresses.
The object supports these interfaces:
IEventLogger: the default interface for this object. Can be used to set details of an event and its logging.
IEmailAlert: Can be used to set details of an e-mail message and its dispatch (sending).
IPagerAlert: Can be used to set details of a pager message and its dispatch (sending).
Dim EventLog
As IEventLogger
Dim EmailAlert As IEmailAlert
Dim PagerAlert As IPagerAlert
'Gets the interface.
'DirectScript.EventLogger.1'is the ProgId of
'the Event Logger component.
Set EventLog = CreateObject
Set EmailAlert = CreateObject
Set PagerAlert = CreateObject