You may browse through the type libraries, objects, interfaces, and functions of DirectScript from within Visual Basic:
Start Visual Basic and create a new project.
Select References on the Project menu.
In the References dialog box, select the check boxes corresponding to the following:
Bindview DirectScript File/Registry Interface 3.2 Type Library
Bindview DirectScript Namespace 3.2 Type Library
Bindview DirectScript Objects 3.2 Type Library
Bindview DirectScript Security Interfaces 3.2 Type Library
Bindview DirectScript QsStub 3.2 Type Library
Bindview DirectScript EventLog 3.2 Type Library
Bindview DirectScript SendMessage 3.2 Type Library
Press F2 to open the object browser
From the Libraries/Projects list choose one of the five type libraries of DirectScript: QSADSLib, ADSNAMESPACELib, QSFACECLib, IESTUBLib, FLATVIEWLib, EVENTLOGLib or QSSENDMESSAGELib.
Click on one of the interface entries in the Classes/Modules list on the left-hand side of the dialog box The available methods and properties will now be visible in the Methods/Properties list on the right-hand side of this dialog.
Click on one of the methods or properties in the Methods/Properties list. You will now see a short description near the bottom of the dialog box.