Creating Custom Separator Page Files

Windows allows the specification of a separator page file to be printed at the start of each print job. Several such files are included with Windows. In addition, custom separator page files may be created to suit individual needs.

To create a custom separator page file, do the following:

The following lines enumerate the escape codes that can be used in a separator page file and their functions.

Escape Codes



Prints text in double-width block characters until the @U escape sequence is encountered.


Prints text in single-width block characters until the @U escape sequence is encountered.


Prints the date the job was printed. The representation of the date is the same as the Date Format in the International section in Control Panel.



Ejects a page from the printer. Use this code to start a new separator page or to end the separator page file. If you get an extra blank separator page when you print, remove this code from your separator page file.



Sets a printer-specific control sequence, where nn is a hexadecimal ASCII code sent directly to the printer. To determine the specific numbers, see your printer manual.


Prints the job number.



Prints all the characters (xxxx) following it until another escape code is encountered. You can use this to display legitimate information, in the separator page.


Prints the user name of the person who submitted the job.


Skips n number of lines (from 0 through 9). Skipping 0 lines moves printing to the next line.


Prints the time the job was printed. The representation of the time is the same as the Time Format in the International section in Control Panel.


Turns off block character printing.

@Wnn - e.g. @W80


Sets the width of the separator page. The default width is 80; the maximum width is 256. Any printable characters beyond this width are truncated.

See Also