Job name
Enter a name that describes the data that you are restoring.
This is the name that is used to identify this job in the job
Job priority
Select the priority level for this job. If another job is
scheduled to run at the same time as this job, the priority you set
determines which job runs first.
Your choices are as follows:
Restore over existing files
Select this option to have Backup Exec overwrite files on the
target resource that have the same name as files that are being
restored. Use this option only when you are sure that you want to
restore an older version of a file.
Skip if file exists
Select this option to prevent Backup Exec from overwriting files
on the target disk with files that have the same names that are
included in the restore job.
Overwrite the file on disk only if it is older
Select this option to prevent Backup Exec from restoring over
files that exist on the disk if they are more recent than the files
included in the restore job.
This option is useful if you are rebuilding a system. For
example, after installing the operating system on a crashed
computer, you could restore a previous full backup of the system
without worrying about overwriting later versions of operating
system files.
Restore all information for files and directories
Select this option to restore all information, including
security information, for files and directories.
Restore only security information for files and
Select this option to restore only security information for
files and directories. No other information is restored. This
option is valid only for NTFS volumes. If you select this option
along with the Skip if file exists option, no information will be
restored. You can use this option with the Restore over existing
files option and the Skip if existing file is more recent
Restore all information except security for files and
Select this option to restore all information except security
information for files and directories. This option is valid only
for NTFS volumes.
Restore corrupt files
Select this option only if you do not want to have Backup Exec
automatically exclude corrupt files from the restore process.
This option is only recommended if a job has failed because a
catalog query could not determine the corrupt files on the tape.
Normally, when a restore job is run, Backup Exec queries the
catalog to determine if any corrupt files are on the tape and
excludes them from the restore job. If, during the query process,
Backup Exec cannot determine if a file is corrupt, the Restore job
will not continue and will be marked as Failed. If a corrupt file
cannot be excluded automatically, you can manually exclude corrupt
files in the Restore selections window and run the job with the
Restore Corrupt File option enabled.
Preserve tree
Select this check box to restore the data with its original
directory structure intact. This option is enabled by default. If
you clear this option, all data (including the data in
subdirectories) is restored to the path you specify in the
Redirection dialog box.
Clearing the Preserve Tree option is useful when restoring
several subdirectories or individual files from media, but it
should not be cleared when restoring an entire drive.