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To set Advanced options for restore jobs, on the Properties pane, under Settings, click Advanced.
Options for this dialog box include the following:
Table: Advanced options for restore
Item |
Description |
Restore Removable Storage data |
Select this check box to restore the Removable Storage data. The Removable Storage database is stored in the Systemroot\System32\Ntsmsdata directory and is automatically backed up when the system directory is selected for backup. Removable Storage is a service used to manage removable media and storage devices; it enables applications to access and share the same media resources. |
Restore disk quota data |
Select this check box to restore disk quota data. Disk quota data is automatically backed up when the root directory of a volume is selected for backup. Disk quotas track and control disk usage on a per user, per volume basis; the values can be restored to the limits that were set before the backup. |
Restore Terminal Services database |
Select this check box to restore the Terminal Services database. The default location for the Terminal Services database, which contains licensing data for client licenses, is the Systemroot\System32\LServer directory and is automatically backed up when the system directory is selected for backup. Terminal Services allow client applications to be run on a server so that client computers can function as terminals rather than independent systems. |
Restore Windows Management Instrumentation repository |
Select this check box to restore the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) repository. The WMI repository is stored in the Systemroot\System32\wbem\Repository directory and is automatically backed up when the system directory is selected for backup. The Windows Management Instrumentation repository provides support for monitoring and controlling system resources and provides a consistent view of your managed environment. |
Restore Cluster Quorum |
Select this check box to restore the cluster configuration. |
Force the recovery of the cluster quorum even if other nodes are online and/or disk signatures do not match. |
Select this check box to restore the cluster configuration if you are not able to take the other nodes in the cluster offline or if the disk that the cluster quorum previously resided on has been changed. This option is only available for computers that run Windows Server 2000/2003/2008 and if Restore Cluster Quorum is also selected. If this option is selected, the cluster service for any nodes that are online is stopped. This option also enables the drive letter of the disk that the cluster quorum was on to remain the same, even if the configuration has changed and the disk signatures contained in the restore media do not match the disk signatures contained in the cluster quorum. Any changes made to the cluster quorum after the last backup will be lost. |
Mark this server as the primary arbitrator for replication when restoring folders managed by the File Replication Service, or when restoring SYSVOL in System State. |
Select this check box to designate this server as the primary replicator for all members in the set when restoring FRS-managed folders or SYSVOL as part of System State. If all members of a replication set are to be restored, then stop replication, restore all the member servers, and then when restoring the last member server, select this option to designate the server as the primary replicator. If this option is not selected, replication may not function.
Allow managed media server to use any network interface to access remote agents |
This option is applicable only for the Central Admin Server Option. Select this option to enable a job that is delegated or copied to a managed media server to use any network interface to access remote agents. By default, jobs that are delegated or copied to a managed media server from the central administration server use the network and security settings that are set on the managed media server. If the network specified on the managed media server is unavailable, selecting this check box enables the managed media server to use an alternate network to run important jobs. |
Merge the existing hardware configuration and registry services with the data to be restored |
Select this option if you want to merge the existing hardware and registry services with the data you selected to be restored. This option should only be used for restoring System State. |
Overwrite the existing hardware configuration and registry services with the data to be restored |
Select this option if you want to overwrite hardware configuration and registry services with the data you selected to be restored. This option should only be used for restoring System State and there have been no hardware changes. |
Restore junction points, symbolic links, files and directories from backup media |
Select this option to restore the information for the junction points, symbolic links, and the files and directories to which they are linked. If you select this option, existing junction points or symbolic links are overwritten. A junction point or symbolic link must have been backed up with one of the following options selected:
Otherwise, these files and directories are not restored unless the junction point was linked to a mounted drive that did not have an assigned drive letter. |
Preserve existing junction points and symbolic links and restore files and directories from backup media |
Select this option to restore files and directories that were backed up from junction points and symbolic links while retaining the destination computer's current junction points and symbolic links. This option prevents current junction points and symbolic links from being overwritten with the junction point and symbolic link information on the backup media. When you select this option and identical junction points, symbolic links, or directory names exist on both the destination computer and the media, the files and directories are restored to the destination computer's junction point, symbolic link, or directory. |
Path on an NTFS volume that is local to the media server for temporary storage of restore data |
This option is applicable only when you restore individual items in the following conditions:
Type the path to a folder on an NTFS volume on this media server. Restore data and metadata for this job are stored here temporarily before the individual items are restored. The staged data is automatically deleted when the restore is complete. Symantec recommends that you avoid using system volumes for temporary staging locations. You can also specify a location that all applicable restore jobs can use. See Setting defaults for restore jobs. See How to restore individual items by using Granular Recovery Technology. |
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