Changing and testing logon accounts for resources

A logon account enables Backup Exec to access resources for backup. You can verify that the logon accounts you select can access the resources you want to back up.

For remote selections, do not change the logon account information. They rely on the logon account used to connect to the server they reside on, and will ignore the additional logon account you can specify. This applies to drives, Lotus, System State, and Exchange selections (except mailboxes, which can and do use logon accounts).

See Creating a Backup Exec logon account.

To change and test a logon account for a resource

  1. On the navigation bar, click the arrow next to Backup.

  2. Click New Backup Job.

  3. Select the data you want to back up.

  4. On the Properties pane, under Source, click Resource Credentials.

  5. Select the resource whose logon account you want to edit.

  6. Click Change.

  7. Select the Backup Exec logon account you want to use for this backup selection, or click New and create a new Backup Exec logon account.

  8. To verify that the logon account you are using can access the resources selected for backup, click Test All.

    While Backup Exec attempts to connect to the resources, "Testing" displays in the Test Results column. After a test has completed, the Test Results column will display one of the following results: Successful, Not tested, or an error message. The Not Tested result indicates that either the logon accounts have not been tested or that the tests have been performed but the server that contains the selection could not be accessed.

    Some tests may take a long time to complete. To cancel a logon account test, click Cancel Test.

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