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Selecting backup options for Lotus Domino databases

This procedure details how to select backup job properties for Lotus Domino databases and provides definitions for Domino-specific backup options. You should back up Lotus Domino databases during off-peak hours and disable Lotus Domino or third-party Lotus Domino agents before you run the backup. The archived transaction logs are included automatically.

See Creating a backup job by using the Backup Wizard.


All Lotus Domino databases and transaction logs that reside on single or multiple volumes must be backed up by the same media server. In addition, you should not back up a Lotus Domino server simultaneously from multiple media servers.

To select backup job properties for Lotus Domino databases

  1. On the navigation bar, click the arrow next to Backup.

  2. Click New Backup Job.

  3. On the Properties pane, under Settings, click Lotus Domino.

  4. Select the appropriate options as follows:

    Backup method

    Select one of the following methods:

    • Full - Back up Database and Logs - Reset Archive Bit. Select this to back up all the selected databases. To properly back up your Lotus Domino data, you should perform regular full backups of the database. This backup method should also be used when the DBIID for the database has changed since prior transactions cannot be applied to the new database.

    • Differential - Changed Database and Logs. Select this to back up files that were modified since the last Full backup. This backup method is smaller and faster than a Full backup because only archived transaction logs, unlogged databases, and logged databases with DBIIDs that have changed will be backed up.

    • Incremental - Changed Database and Logs - Reset Archive Bit. Select this to back up files that were modified since the last Full or Incremental backup. This backup method is smaller and faster than a Full backup because only archived transaction logs, unlogged databases, and logged databases with DBIIDs that have changed will be backed up.

    Mark archive logs for recycling

    Select this check box to reuse the transaction log after it has been backed up.

    Backup Exec will not delete the transaction log. Selecting this option only indicates that the transaction log is ready to be reused after it has been backed up successfully; the Lotus Domino server actually deletes the transaction logs.

    This option is selected automatically when you select the full backup method. You cannot clear this option when you are using the full backup method.

    If the option is selected when you perform a differential or incremental backup job, transaction logs that are needed to maintain the differential backups will be reused. However, it should be selected regularly to create space for new transaction logs.

  5. Start the backup job or select other backup options from the Properties pane.

More Information

Creating a backup job by setting job properties

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